Into The Woods - Tom Cunane
Tom Cunane's setup for Into The Woods at the James O’Neill High School in Highland Falls, New York.
Tom's write-up and gear list below photos.

"The orchestra book was outstanding. Sondheim’s use of strings, woodwinds and brass instruments to create sonic coloring was brilliantly done. On top of it all was his subtle use of percussion used to tie the orchestra together. The percussion color instruments added the necessary timbres to complete complex chords. The FX instruments added so much to what was happening on the stage. The mallet instruments reinforced important melodies and the subtle drumming was all that was needed to effectively drive the orchestra.
As I was preparing the part, I found that I spent time experimenting with instrument positioning. As I played along with the cast recording I quickly determined what was and was not going to work regarding instrument placing. Mounting as many instruments as possible aided in keeping the setup compact. Once I determined the instruments that needed to be near the music, the setup came together for me. Yes, parts needed to be memorized in order to make the quick instrument changes. Once I learned the choreography of the quick instrument changes, the part worked."
Mallet instruments:
- Musser Xylophone (resonators and legs removed, mounted on trap table)
- Yamaha Orchestra Bells
- Novation 49SL MkIII MIDI Keyboard (electronic drums, timpani, chimes, crotales)
- Apple MainStage
- Ludwig 20” Marching Bass Drum
- Ludwig 14" x 6.5” Snare Drum
- Yamaha 8", 10", and 12" Toms
Accessory Percussion Instruments:
- Ratchet
- Miller Machine with Finger Cymbal
- Panyard Ting (brake drum sound)
- Alan Abel triangle (triangle rolls)
- Cabassa (sandpaper sound)
- LP Bell Tree
- Miller Machine with Triangle
- LP Cowbell
- Pearl Woodblock
- Ludwig Temple Blocks
- Zildjian 16” A Vintage
- Zildjian 10” A Splash
- Paiste 13” Masters Hi Hat Cymbals
- Timber Drum Company White Bell Mallets
- Musser M-403 for xylophone
- Vic Firth SD6 Swizzle B
- Tom Gauger TG3 Bass Drum Mallet
- Mike Balter Gong Mallet
Into The Woods - Regional - Tom Cunane
Friday March 8, 2024 thru Sunday March 10, 2024