Cinderella - Rich Rosenzweig
Rich's drum-set setup for the Broadway production of Cinderella at the Broadway Theatre in New York City.
Rich's write-up below photos.
“My set up for Cinderella is relatively uncomplicated. The music is classic Rodgers and Hammerstein, but with orchestrator Danny Troub's usual fresh, orchestral take on the score.
The central position of the LP Granite Blocks and Miller Machine is inspired by the ‘Mary Poppins’ Broadway set-up, and makes for comfortable access. The small tom is only used for certain colors, and not in a normal ‘drum set vein’.
We're all very lucky in this pit, relying almost exclusively on acoustic sound and very little monitor use. Though there's some plexiglass in front of me, the acoustic bass is immediately to my left, percussion behind me, and we hear each other quite well. All the requisites for nightly musical, enjoyable pit experience."
Photo below: Rich and Bill Hayes (percussionist on Cinderella) in the pit.