Little Miss Sunshine - Jay Mack
Jay Mack's setup for the Off Broadway production of Little Miss Sunshine at the Second Stage Theatre in New York City.
Photos Below: "I’ve also got a Paiste Prototype 20” ride and a Paiste Prototype 10” splash. These eventually became the new Vinnie Colaiuta Formula 602 Modern Essentials. They are spectacular.”
“On this kit there is a basic set of drums and some toys.
What makes this setup fun and unique is the 28” chain timpani (made by Mark Guthrie at Precision Classic Timpani) that’s next to my floor tom and the glockenspiel which is to the left of my hi-hat. The amazing orchestrator, Michael Starobin, wrote a book that requires me to play a lot of glock with my left hand while playing drums with every other limb. The chain timpani is essential because there are so many tuning changes while I’m playing the drums. A pedal timpani would just not work."