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Drum and Percussion Setups
Bright Star - Steve Bartosik
"The djembe is always covered with a towel and is only used on downbeats for a very low, woofy sound. Drumsticks are never used during the show, only variations on...
Bright Star - Steve Bartosik
"The djembe is always covered with a towel and is only used on downbeats for a very low, woofy sound. Drumsticks are never used during the show, only variations on...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Paul Hansen
"The red bandana you see is covering my custom field drum, a converted 16” floor tom with heavy snares. The bandana gives the sound extra weight and adds a couple...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Paul Hansen
"The red bandana you see is covering my custom field drum, a converted 16” floor tom with heavy snares. The bandana gives the sound extra weight and adds a couple...
Evita - Bill Lanham
Bill Lanham's drum set setup for the Broadway Revival of Evita at the Marquis Theatre.
Evita - Bill Lanham
Bill Lanham's drum set setup for the Broadway Revival of Evita at the Marquis Theatre.
Newsies - Paul Davis
Paul Davis' setup for the Broadway production of Newsies at the Nederlander Theatre in New York City.
Newsies - Paul Davis
Paul Davis' setup for the Broadway production of Newsies at the Nederlander Theatre in New York City.
Beauty and the Beast - Jaren Angud
"This book requires me to have frequent stick changes throughout and since I can use The Miller Machine with anything (including my hands) that’s one less stick change that I...
Beauty and the Beast - Jaren Angud
"This book requires me to have frequent stick changes throughout and since I can use The Miller Machine with anything (including my hands) that’s one less stick change that I...
The Book of Mormon - Tim Goodyer
Tim Goodyer's drum set setup for The Book of Mormon at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London's West End.
The Book of Mormon - Tim Goodyer
Tim Goodyer's drum set setup for The Book of Mormon at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London's West End.
Musical Theatre Articles
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