Setup Shots

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Drum and Percussion Setups

A Gentleman's Guide To Love & Murder - Andrew Warren

A Gentleman's Guide To Love & Murder - Andrew W...

Andrew Warren's setup for A Gentleman’s Guide To Love & Murder at the Gateway Playhouse, in Bellport, New York.

A Gentleman's Guide To Love & Murder - Andrew W...

Andrew Warren's setup for A Gentleman’s Guide To Love & Murder at the Gateway Playhouse, in Bellport, New York.

Newsies - Andrew Warren

Newsies - Andrew Warren

"For this run we did not have a percussionist, so, I tasked myself with adding some of the extra percussion aspects that I felt were important. One was the muted/unmuted...

Newsies - Andrew Warren

"For this run we did not have a percussionist, so, I tasked myself with adding some of the extra percussion aspects that I felt were important. One was the muted/unmuted...

Mariana Ramirez's setup for the National Tour of Once On This Island at the Cadillac Palace Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.

Once On This Island - Mariana Ramirez

Mariana Ramirez's setup for the National Tour of Once On This Island at the Cadillac Palace Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.

Once On This Island - Mariana Ramirez

Mariana Ramirez's setup for the National Tour of Once On This Island at the Cadillac Palace Theatre in Chicago, Illinois.

The Little Mermaid - Alec Wilmart

The Little Mermaid - Alec Wilmart

"As you can see in the pictures, I prefer to have as much 'stuff' right in front of me, as close as possible. Because there are so many instruments close...

The Little Mermaid - Alec Wilmart

"As you can see in the pictures, I prefer to have as much 'stuff' right in front of me, as close as possible. Because there are so many instruments close...

Kory Grossman's combined book set up for the 2015-2016 Broadway revival of Fiddler On The Roof at the Broadway Theatre.

Fiddler On The Roof - Kory Grossman

Kory Grossman's combined book set up for the 2015-2016 Broadway revival of Fiddler On The Roof at the Broadway Theatre.

Fiddler On The Roof - Kory Grossman

Kory Grossman's combined book set up for the 2015-2016 Broadway revival of Fiddler On The Roof at the Broadway Theatre.

Christopher Roberts’ combined book for the Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School production of Seussical in South Hamilton, Massachusetts.

Seussical - Christopher Roberts

Christopher Roberts’ combined book for the Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School production of Seussical in South Hamilton, Massachusetts.

Seussical - Christopher Roberts

Christopher Roberts’ combined book for the Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School production of Seussical in South Hamilton, Massachusetts.