Setup Shots

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Currently over 200.

Drum and Percussion Setups

Rex Lycan’s setup for Into The Woods at the Old Town Temecula Theater in Temecula, California.

Into The Woods - Rex Lycan

Rex Lycan’s setup for Into The Woods at the Old Town Temecula Theater in Temecula, California.

Into The Woods - Rex Lycan

Rex Lycan’s setup for Into The Woods at the Old Town Temecula Theater in Temecula, California.

Scot Sexton’s combined book setup for Seussical with Broadway Bound in Seattle, Washington.

Seussical - Scot Sexton

Scot Sexton’s combined book setup for Seussical with Broadway Bound in Seattle, Washington.

Seussical - Scot Sexton

Scot Sexton’s combined book setup for Seussical with Broadway Bound in Seattle, Washington.

Brandon Levesque’s percussion setup for Rhode Island College’s production of Seussical.

Seussical - Brandon Levesque

Brandon Levesque’s percussion setup for Rhode Island College’s production of Seussical.

Seussical - Brandon Levesque

Brandon Levesque’s percussion setup for Rhode Island College’s production of Seussical.

Paul Hansen’s percussion setup for Pajama Game at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle, Washington.

Pajama Game - Paul Hansen

Paul Hansen’s percussion setup for Pajama Game at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle, Washington.

Pajama Game - Paul Hansen

Paul Hansen’s percussion setup for Pajama Game at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle, Washington.

In The Heights - Angel Williams

In The Heights - Angel Williams

Angel Williams’ percussion setup for In The Heights at the Judge Memorial High School in Salt Lake City, Utah.

In The Heights - Angel Williams

Angel Williams’ percussion setup for In The Heights at the Judge Memorial High School in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Alec Wilmart’s percussion setup for Dreamgirls at the Village Theater in Seattle, Washington.

Dreamgirls - Alec Wilmart

Alec Wilmart’s percussion setup for Dreamgirls at the Village Theater in Seattle, Washington.

Dreamgirls - Alec Wilmart

Alec Wilmart’s percussion setup for Dreamgirls at the Village Theater in Seattle, Washington.